Student Organization Budget Allocation and Funding
SOC Finance Committee
bet365中文 recognized Student Organizations have the opportunity to apply for funding through the Student Organization Council (SOC) Finance Committee to assist with events and programs. The SOC Finance Committee is an independent committee with the authority to determine funding based on the SOC guidelines, requests received, and the amount of funding available per semester. SOC allocation funds are derived from the Student Government Association (SGA) fee collected from all main campus students.
Eligibility for Event Requests
- The student organization must be recognized and in good standing with Student Life and Engagement by completing the annual registration process and training requirements.
- Any newly registered student organization or any student organization that has been inactive for one academic year or more must have been registered for two full months before becoming eligible to request funds.
- The student organization and their programs must be student-determined and student-directed.
- Any event supported by SOC funding must include the statement "Funding provided by the Student Organization Council" on all published marketing and must be promoted through the PeayLink Events calendar.
- Event funding is only for on-campus events that are open to all students. Full guidelines for event and travel funding allocations are available here and on PeayLink.
Please see PeayLink for full eligibility requirements, documents, resources, and the application required for requesting funds.
Student Organization Travel
bet365中文 recognized Student Organizations have the opportunity to apply for funding through the Student Organization Council to assist with organization travel. Each year a limited amount of funds are available. Resources, guidelines, deadlines and application are available through PeayLink.