Meal Plan Agreement
本协议包含详细的膳食计划信息,涉及强制性和 voluntary meal plans for bet365中文 residents and commuter meal plans.
The bet365中文 Housing/Residence Life & Dining Services Office (Housing) and you, the meal plan recipient, agree to the following:
- 所有bet365中文住房系统的居民,除了两河和翡翠山 学生必须参加秋季和春季学期的膳食计划.
- 所有大一新生必须从“无限”计划中选择,14,或 10 meals per week plans.
- 如果您在住房申请过程中没有选择膳食计划选项,那么您可以选择住宿 will automatically assign you the 14-plus plan option.
- 住房部将把房间分配和膳食计划费用都贴在你的大学费用表上.
- 你可以改变饮食计划,以任何理由,直到第十四天的课程 each semester. Freshmen must select from among the Freshman meal plan options.
- 学生可以选择与之前选择的秋季计划不同的春季膳食计划. However, Freshmen must select from among the Freshmen meal plan options.
Govs Dining为学生提供从the cafe, Food Court, 爱因斯坦兄弟百吉饼,元素咖啡馆(Sundquist售货亭),MUC市场,星巴克, 露台,露台市场使用不断减少的弹性美元,用餐美元, and/or Govs Bucks.
- 所有学生/教师/工作人员与官方,有效的bet365中文身份证可以购买餐饮 dollars separate from a meal plan, for use in all dining locations.
- 所有在秋季学期结束时剩余的弹性美元和/或用餐美元将被扣除 roll over to the Spring Semester, Only if a meal plan is purchased for both fall and spring semesters, otherwise they are forfeited. Unused meals DO NOT roll over to the Spring Semester. If leaving bet365中文 Housing after the Fall, use all flex dollars and/or dining dollars or they will expire.
- 所有弹性美元和/或餐费到春季毕业典礼前一天为止 of each year expire if not used. Unused flex dollars and dining dollars are NOT refundable.
- 弹性美元和餐券不适用于bet365中文书店和体育赛事 小卖部,或任何其他餐馆/自动售货机/提供餐饮的校园来源 specified above.
- 膳食计划、弹性美元和用餐美元不能转让给其他学生.
- Flex dollars and dining dollars are not the same as Govs Bucks.
对于取消膳食计划,所有学生必须提供1)注册主任的证明 办公室证明你已经取消了在bet365中文的注册,或者2)bet365中文宿舍的证明 of a contract cancellation.
- 如果你在新学年开始前取消了bet365中文的注册,住宿部将会收到 will provide a full refund of payments made towards your meal plan.
- 如果您在学期/用餐开始前取消了bet365中文住房合同 plans, you will receive a full refund of payments made towards your meal plan.
- 除非住房释放,否则你对你的膳食计划协议负全部责任 you from the Housing License Agreement. If bet365中文 Housing does not provide a release 根据住房许可协议,你将继续负责你的膳食计划,甚至 if you choose to vacate the assigned room and live off-campus. If bet365中文 Housing releases 如果您从房屋许可协议中删除,您将收到剩余余额的退款 在你的账户上,你已经正确地退房了 with Housing staff.
- 如果住房部批准了膳食计划豁免,你将收到剩余的退款 balance of your meal plan.
学生将根据包含的租金退款政策获得膳食计划退款 《bet365中文大学住房许可协议》中规定的大学住房除外 4 below, which authorizes a meal plan waiver process.
- 如果学生因个人疾病搬离宿舍(确认) 由有执照的医生在官方抬头的信纸上书写)或应大学要求 for other than disciplinary reasons (e.g. marriage, academic suspension), Housing will make a pro-rated refund.
- 如果学生因退学而被迫离开宿舍, 住房将根据相同的退款比例进行退款 一般维护费(75%的费用日期见本科生/研究生公报) and 25% refund periods). The actual refund amount may be less than the specified percentage 费率如果由承包商计费(膳食和弹性美元/用餐美元购买) exceeds the calculated refund for that student. Flex dollars and dining dollars which roll over from Fall to Spring are NOT refundable.
- 住宿部将不退款给搬出宿舍的学生 any other reason except those noted in sections 1 and 2 under "Refunds."
- 房屋可能会在考虑完成后对此退款政策做出例外 Meal Plan Waiver Request form.
- 所有膳食计划/弹性美元/用餐都需要您的bet365中文政府身份证 Dollars transactions, with no exceptions.
- 学生身份证是学校的财产,由学校负责 the student. Students may not transfer or loan their card to another student or any other individual.
- 所有丢失或被盗的bet365中文政府身份证立即报告到bet365中文政府身份证 office located in the Morgan University Center room 207. The University will charge a fee to replace the card.
- 如果bet365中文政府身份证办公室关闭,咖啡厅是唯一的用餐地点 是否允许在签署日志以授权手动后进行“手动”交易 update of your meal plan account. Govs Dining will allow this option until 9 a.m. on the next day the bet365中文 Govs ID card office is open.
- 学校不承担膳食或减少余额的责任 a third party.
- The 14, and 10 meal plan options represent a per-week meal count. The "block plans" represent a per-semester declining meal count. Students will take each meal at the Caf. Students may transfer meal credits for use at other dining locations by using the "meal exchange" options when available. Meal plan and block participants may use 除便利店外,所有政府餐饮场所均设有“换餐”选项 and snack shop purchases.
- 当使用“换餐”选项时,学生必须在交易前通知收银员 否则,收银员将从您的弹性美元和/或现金中扣除交易费用 dining dollars balance.
- Govs Dining allows for the use of up to three meals per day. On Saturdays and Sundays, Govs Dining serves brunch and dinner meals in the Cafeteria.
- The "meal week" runs from Sunday morning to Saturday at midnight. With the 14, and 10餐计划选项,政府餐饮将允许最多三餐交换一次 day. Unused meals on these meal plans do not carry forward to the next week. Housing will not refund missed meals.
- For a list of hours and locations, visit You will also find a list of any deviation from the normal dining hours at this site.
- Govs Dining reserves the right to change the services or hours of operation. Notice 是否会在所有用餐地点和现场张贴修改后的时间表 listed above.
通过进入本协议,学生接受并同意遵守所有大学的规定 规则、条例和政策,包括本协议和《 Student Code of Conduct. A student who violates any rule, regulation, or policy may 受到大学的纪律处分,并可能被撤销 如果不遵守本协议,该学生可能会被禁止进入学校的餐饮场所. 本膳食计划协议被撤销的学生仍需承担所有膳食计划的费用 costs. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement, the regulations, policies, 或由住宿/住宿生活和餐饮服务中心以及学生公布的程序 Code of Conduct, the Code of Conduct will control.